Your solution maker

Debt collection

“In terms of debt collection, our advisers are trained in the specific procedures for negotiations and transactions. “

Do your customers fail to pay their invoices by the due date? Do calls go unanswered? Is your internal debt collection department overwhelmed?
Are you a debt collection agency working on behalf of a company or a bailiff’s office?

This is going to interest you!

The process to recover unpaid debts is time-consuming and costly for a company. To relieve you of this burden, we provide procedural support: managing and following up reminders for your debtors, sending emails, making calls, sending registered letters and launching legal proceedings if necessary. Our employees have an in-depth understanding of the sector and are trained in the procedures to recover your debts.

Debt Collection, Banking and Insurance Sector

The accelerating digitisation of banking and insurance services has changed the relationship between these organisations and their customers.

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